Tuesday, March 01, 2011

9 weeks left of school?!

I was making March's lesson plans realized we only have 9 more weeks of our curriculum!  So, last week, we spent the week on crafts, art, geography and history exclusively.  We have been learning about the continents, the influential presidents of Mount Rushmore and creative art projects.  We all three loved the break from the formal lessons. 
When I was teaching private school kindergarten, Ben's mom introduced me to the works of E.D. Hirsch, he was an education advisor to Ronald Reagan.  He is also the founder of the Core Knowledge Foundation.  He has written a series of books entitled What your ______ needs to know (per grade level).  I have been supplementing our curriculum with the kindergarten book.  It is full of ideas for enriching your child's education. 
We have also become huge fans of Between the Lions.  It has become part of our daily school ritual.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

Glad things are going so good!!! Love seeing all the work they do!