Sunday, February 27, 2011

"day"te in Cowtown

On Friday morning, Ben and I drove to Fort Worth for my Silver Sneaker classes. I am now certified to teach yoga and cardio fit (5 certifications done and 2 more classes away till I can take my tests for group exercise fitness). After class, we went to hang out with one of my favorite friends, Lisa and her family. We grilled Hawaiian Chicken Sandwiches and homemade apple pie. Ben and I got to sleep through the night, which I can even say was not my favorite part of the weekend.
On Saturday, Lisa recommended Lili's Bistro. Fabulous lunch, we shared lamb pitas (think fancy smancy gyros) and tilapia tacos, did I say fabulous already? Fabulous.
Ben suggested we go to the zoo, but we opted for the stockyards instead. I have been looking for the perfect pair of cowboy boots for years, yes years. I knew Luskey's would have a selection so I could show Ben what I wanted (so he could "surprise" me later). For fun, I tried on every color & style on under the sun. Hubby, a former bull rider and bonified good ole boy helped us and I found my perfect boot for the perfect price.  Ben surprised me and bought them on the spot.   Afterwards we went to Riscky's and had fried pickles (no, not on our eat clean diet) while we waited for the Fort Worth Herd to run through the stockyards.  Hubby gave us tickets to the Saturday night rodeo, but we decided to save them for another weekend and take the girls.   We had a fabulous day out, but the best part was just hanging with my guy and having grown up (uninterrupted) conversation. 
Thank you Mimi and PawPaw for watching our kiddos.
Thank you Lisa and Brandt for dinner, hot shower and warm bed.


Erica Wagner said...

LOVE the boots! Nice!

The Gumpls said...

Very cute! It took me awhile to find my cowboy boots too! Glad ya'll had great weekend away!!!!!

Colleen said...

Lili's Bistro is my favorite too

annie's mom said...

love em!!! Yep, I sure wish I'd skipped the conference.

Marissa said...

Love the boots! They look great on you!