Tuesday, November 24, 2009

night #8 visit to the gypsy village

On Monday night, Estera took us up the road to the gypsy village. We had to walk and it was - you guessed it cold and raining. The sun was setting and by the time we got into the church it was almost dark. This picture of the boy is the best pic to show the conditions the gypsies live in. Dirt roads, little electricity; horse-drawn carriages were the main means of transportation.
The one-room church was less than six months old and they built it for Vio and Estera. Most gypsies are uneducated, illiterate, & job-less. However, they are a community and they take care of each other. Many steal to survive, but they all respect Vio and Estera and take care of her property. They know she has angels watching over it.
The members of the church were the kindest, gentlest souls. Most in attendance were children, but that does not say much b/c many were married. One family consisted of a grandmother in her 30's, teen parent and her young child - and this was not uncommon. Estera did a short Bible study and Pastor Mel taught his hello song. When we left it was completely dark and raining. Was thankful some had flashlights, but I still have no idea what I stepped in as we made the trek on the dirt road back to camp.

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