Monday, November 02, 2009

day #5 travel day up into the mountains

Friday was a cold, wet day in Bucharest. We met that morning and made an unscheduled stop at McDonald's for coffee. As we were getting out of the van someone noticed we had a flat tire, so while it was being repaired we had hung out in the location that brought us the closest home.
The drive into Campulung, took several hours. We saw snow and even had some flurries, but mostly it was sleet and ice. The drive was very windy and driving in the mountains is much like driving in Bucharest, so I got car sick. Which meant I got front row seats the remainder of the trip.
We arrived at Vio and Estera's apartment and met their soon-to-be-son Danni. (They are in the process of adopting him.) Danni turned three on Saturday and he made me a little homesick for the girls.
After a quick stop at the local market we went onto the camp. The camp was gorgeous! Vio built all of the buildings and it was nestled on a small creek with a mountain behind it. It was one of the most picturesque places I have ever stayed. God is such an amazing creator, it was as if he hand-placed every tree and stone; well I guess he did.
Danni was a ball of energy. I had brought several warm pajamas, jeans and sweaters that the girls had grown out of for Estera to give to orphans, but Danny laid hold of the girl's puppy dog pajamas. They did not quite fit, but he did not care, he wore them for a couple of days. Our friend Stormi's daughter wore them, both of my girls wore them and now a little one in Romania wears them and of course now barks for his supper.

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