Tuesday, April 15, 2008

another stage

This past month I was asked to write the curriculum for our church's nursery/toddler department. Over the past year, I had editted versions for the nursery and preschool, but had never written my own lessons (we purchased lessons and then we altered them for the number of kids we teach each week). So, I jumped at it, as one of my life goals is to write a children's book. The story was Jesus greeting his disciples after his resurrection. I got to retell the story found in John 21 for the 1 & 2 year olds. If you have not been to our church , we have 4 weekend and 2 midweek services and we prepare for 200 1 and 2 year olds for the weekend and another 50 for midweek services. This was a huge honor for me, HUGE! I went back to teaching one day a week in the fall b/c I felt like I was not impacting children's lives like I had been, but this is so much more!
So, this past week I was asked to help out with the preschool department, 3, 4 and 5 year olds lessons and I will be writing the Bible part of the lessons and helping come up with crafts. They prepare for another 300+ kids each weekend, so on any given week I will be able to touch hundreds of young children's lives. I have heard over and over the past 36 hours how good God is and I will say it again, my God is so good. He is letting me use a talent to reach hundreds and all while I get to be a stay-at-home Mommy.


Erica Wagner said...

Awesome work, sister!

Mrs. Jenk said...

I want a signed copy!