Wednesday, March 05, 2008

surreal moment at HEB checkout

I had to take a double take yesterday in the checkout lane of HEB. This is my friend from high school, Matt Baker. My very strong Christian friend from high school. Matt is under investigation for the murder of his wife. You can read the article at - I know Matt from every church youth function in high school. We were in band together and he dated my good friend, Tamara Brown. So, you can imagine my surprise last fall when I heard he had been arrested for the murder of his wife, and even more surprised when I see him on the cover of Texas Monthly here in RR at HEB. I read the article and I can say the article makes him look very guilty, but I know this guy and I just don't how he could committ murder. He was a total flirt, but not a sexual predator. I know people change, but I just don't know how it could be true. The pics make him look down right evil! I can't stand the media!

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