Tuesday, October 09, 2012

bedroom makeover

For some reason neither girl wants to sleep on the top bunk any more, and we keep finding both in the bottom bunk each night.  I have slept with both girls and I have no idea how any sleep is happening.
Daddy asked the girls if they would give up some floor space and toys to make room for two beds.  I told them I would not give any toys away, but some were going to the shed.  I cleaned out four bags of toys to the shed and one bag of trash.  After about an hour, I told the girls they were excused from "helping" and they could go watch a movie, so I could really purge.  Three hours later, we had the big reveal.  So far the girls have not noticed their puppet stage, Barbies, a dozen stuffed animals and a basket of my little ponies are put away.  The plan is if any of them are missed, something will have to go to the shed to get them back.  I also cleaned out the classroom and pantry this past week of four shelves of toys, puzzles and manipulatives that I was picking up on a daily basis.

1 comment:

Cari said...

So cute! I bet they love it!