Friday, September 03, 2010

no ordinary kid

"It's our responsibility as parents to instill a spirit of excellence in our kids and excellence is only obtained through sacrifice".

It is hard to keep it a secret from the girls when we are getting ready to head downtown.  Our house turns into Grand Central Station with clothes and food that weekend.  They want to go, they "want to feed the people who do not have houses."  So, if there are enough hands then they get to go.  This month, we passed out gogurt that the church had leftover from a special speaker & juice from my mom.  We gathered clothes from Pam's outreach, jeans from my mom's boss' dumpster dives, and new clothes from a clearance sale my friend, Melanie had found & other miscellaneous items from friends.  We even took a large bag full of dress slacks and dress shoes to the ARCH for the men's job interviews.

1 comment:

Cari said...

I am planning our fall for our Princess Academy girls, and one of the projects that they do every year is to collect coats, blankets, etc. for the Salvation Army. If you would let me know when this fall you may be in Kerrville, I would LOVE to have our girls collect items to give you. Let me know exactly what you need - toothpaste, pillows, coats, etc. and we'll do it.

By the way, you have such neat little girls!