Saturday, December 20, 2008

party #2 - Mapheveni

We packed up our rooms and headed to church on Sunday morning.  Our next party was smaller and in the community of Mapheveni which is surrounded by sugar fields.  Positioned in the middle of a sugar field is a church and soccer field.  As we were pulling into the parking lot I could hear children singing.  I asked Patrick if I could watch the children's church, so I could come home and share with our children's ministry.  The teacher was a doll, Tootie.  She asked if she could introduce me to the children and of course, I agreed.  She taught a very formal lecture on what is a Christian.  This was info that I had learned in my Bible class I took earlier this year.  It was out of the King James Bible and tough for even me to grasp.  Yet, when she asked the children questions at the end of the lesson, they answered every one - Where is the birthplace of Christianity?  Anyone - Antioch, yeah a 10 year old answered that one!
When she was finished she asked if I wanted to say something, uh YEAH!  So, I taught them the girls favorite song - My God is so Big.  Then, they taught me a song.  They do speak English in Swaziland, but it was still hard to understand, Patrick got it on video tape for me.  The "adult" church was still not out, so I took her lesson and made it into kid friendly terms.  The scripture was We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. 2 Corinthians 5:20.  I asked them if they had friends who lived near by who did not go to church and love Jesus.  They all said yes, so I explained that the scripture said we are Jesus' friends and we are supposed to tell other's about him, so they can know Jesus as their friend too.  It was so much fun and the highlight of my trip.  I could have easily flown half way around the world for that moment. 
***Please excuse the layout of my blogs, fonts etc.  Whatever updates blogger has done has me totally baffled and I cannot move text, add pics so forth after I have tryped.  It is quite annoying to the OCD part of me.


Erica Wagner said...

Wow, what a huge party! Looked like a great time!

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Neal said...

I'm loving all the stories!!

annie's mom said...

I'm loving these stories too..can't wait for the next one...oh how I wish I could have gone with you!
love you,