Friday, December 19, 2008

the big one

The morning of our first party my friend, John led our devotion. He said we had to view this experience as a mosaic, we cannot see all of what the Lord is doing, but we each had a specific role in the big picture. I have thought back and referenced his point many times since that morning.

When you are dealing with 4,000 children it tends to feel like you are just herding cattle. I personally had 30-50 3-6 year olds at any given time during the day. It was fun, but I quickly learned having that many children did not constitute a normal game of net ball. So, I had them taking free throws one at a time. It worked. John later encouraged me - "Had I not been there, who would have filled in that role?" My favorite part of the day was getting to distribute the Christmas presents to the children. I got to say Merry Christmas 4,000 times.

I did not take my camera to this party. I knew it was going to be busy and I went to Africa to play with kiddos. I was so thankful the Lord blessed our team with people was passionate about photography as me. Kevin Moon took his camera and took over 1300 photos, today's photos are all part of his collection.

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