Thursday, June 28, 2012

Partridge in a Pear Tree

cardinals, a few days old
Ok, it is more like a cardinal in an oak tree, mockingbird in a pine tree, sparrow in a laundry vent and a common black bird in the roof line, than a partridge in a pear tree.  Our backyard has become bird central.  This past week, Daddy had to rescue a sparrow from Chloe.  He had fallen out of his nest and was taking shelter in our water hose.  Ben was able to climb up to the 2nd floor laundry vent and return him to his nest.  I am not sure if the bird or I was more grateful, I could just see myself feeding a baby bird meal worms for the next week until he was ready to fly.


Cari said...

I had so much fun catching up on your blog! I love seeing the things you do!

The Gumpls said...

You are such an amazing mom! My sister had baby birds in her bird house. David accidentally knocked the house down and I wish you could have seen my sister and I. It was like one of our own children had been hurt the way we where checking on these tiny helpless little birds!