Friday, June 01, 2012

bloggin noggin nonsense

I hate the sound of "blog brain dumps", so here is my alternative title.
I don't know what it is, but we have had a rough go of it lately.  Starting back with my blog post for prayers.  Two of those we were praying for passed away, one being a baby boy who was only weeks older than R2.  I took that one really hard.
Then, four of us, plus my mom who was here for the weekend got food poisoning.  I was sick for almost 72 hours b/c I got dehydrated.
We put an offer on a farm house on five acres in Georgetown, but withdrew our offer b/c of a pre-inspection-inspection by my builder dad.
Bella was very sick this week with a fever of 103-104 degrees for nearly 48 hours.  She was hours away from being admitted to the hospital, but God touched her and she was up playing, eating and feisty as ever when her fever broke.
Because of the fabulous bugs running rabid through our home, we have not been able to finish up the school year.  Bella is only 3 days away from finishing her kindergarten (which most of it she only began in December) and LE has 2 weeks left of her first grade math, everything else she has long been finished with.
This weekend, we head to my hometown for a family reunion.  I am excited to see family, but not looking forward to being away from home at 7 months pregnant.  And, yes amid all of the other in our life I have hit the emotional, dreaded third trimester.  And yes, the emotions have run wild over the past few weeks.  I am moody and I have cravings like no one's business, and I am uncomfortable, and cranky and rude and annoyed and tired and cranky and moody and hungry.  So bring me chocolate cheesecake if you are any where near.

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