Friday, October 14, 2011

in the details

filler time shelf

lesson bulletin board

filler time cans

manipulative jars
Pretty sure de-cluttering the homeschool classroom was not on the Shileen's de-clutter list.  Especially after the jackpot we hit after visiting her pre-garage sale.  She let the girls "shop" and insisted she was blessed to know our girls were using her girls' outgrown items.  Needless to say I had to make room for some new books, games and science experiments. 
I have been getting restless with the classroom.  In particular the daily clutter on the girls' desks.  I have been looking into workboxes, but I am not sold on the idea of having 2 more shelves in the room to hold their daily assignments.  Ben started designing my dream classroom, but truth be told I like our set-up, it just needed some cleaning out. 
I organized the 2 bulletin boards that used to be one for each girl to now hold lesson items on one and crafts/art on the other.  I also repurposed our truvia jars (remember they once held I spy objects) to hold a whole new collection of manipulatives including keys, bottle caps, beads, magnets, pompoms, to count, sort, classify and create with.  LE has been on a real recycle kick, so I up-cycled formula cans to hold a "special" project for each girl (Bella's numeral flowers were found in hers this week, LE's held these).  I covered soup cans to hold pencil, scissors, etc to free up some room on their desks.  I also moved their desks so they face the windows now instead of the bulletin boards.  It settled my restlessness for the week, so we can hold off spending a small fortune at Mardel's and Ikea; for this week any way.

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