Wednesday, February 20, 2008

growing up

My big girl drank from a big girl cup tonight at the "chicken" table. Maybe, I am being naive, but this first time parenting thing is tough! I had no idea she could drink from a cup without a lid, never tried! I wonder else she can do if I would just let her!
I also had to make a Wal-Mart run for some retail therapy this afternoon. We bought play-do, bubbles, flowers for our flower box or the mud as LE calls it and some other fun day materials including goldfish for Bella. LE loved the play-do, Bella wanted to eat it. Their buddy, Connor came over tonight and they happily made shapes, pizza and cut with "lives" (knives) for almost half-an-hour - don't worry, Jane they were the IKEA plastic ones. Pics of the play-do fun to be posted later. Mommy needs some rest after a LONG day including upset tummy (Bell), possible broken toe (Mommy), fever (Bell), lots of crying (all 3 females), neighbor calling to tell us her dog tried to eat the cat ~ I guess it is just a typical day in the Richards Family Four.


Erica Wagner said...

Yes, it is a typical day! Don't you love them?

Carri said...

we had one of those days today too... :) how are you?? i think sawyer knows that the baby will be here soon as he is acting out and is quite clingy...