I have been tagged my super cool friend, Erica. The idea is to list 5 material wishes and five non-material wishes. I have been thinking about this all weekend and it was harder than I thought, so here is the best I can do.
#1 a new bigger house - Although, this rental has been an absolute God-send, I cannot wait to have my own home to paint, plant in the yard and not share my bedroom with my home office.
#2 new car - our lovable, trusty Xterra is 7 years old this week and although it has been so good to us, it is time to find a replacement (holding on to see where/if I will be teaching next fall before we committ to another car paymnet)
#3 Ben's new career - I hope when Ben finishes school next spring we can stay in the Austin area, I have become so attached to our church, friends and the way of life here.
#4 - new wardrobe - I need some new stylish clothes and shoes!
#5 - I wish we had more family here. I am so blessed to have a cousin in the area, but I would love to have more family too, especially grandparents!
Non-Material Wishes -
#1 that all of my loved ones will have a personal relationship with Christ - to really know Him
#2 that I can get the discipline thing right with my kids - that I can raise them in truth and in love
#3 that I can be a shining light of the Lord in all I do
#4 more boldness to tell others about Christ
#5 want to adopt children internationally and/or do international missions work
So, I tag all of my Blogging friends who have not already been challenged by Erica. Have fun, I cannot wait to see what you wish for!