Wednesday, September 26, 2012

giving up my cape

Superwoman, I am not.  And I have learned over the past few weeks I have to give up on trying to be Super Mom too.  The girl's schoolwork is becoming more demanding, R2 is needing me more (sharing his Mommy-time does not come easy), and Harrison doesn't want to nap, unless it is on me.  There are good days, but if anything comes up during the day that is out of the ordinary; dentist/doctor appointments, staff meetings, and there seems to be one of those every week lately.  So, I had to make a gut-wrenching decision in giving up my classes at the local Y.  You have to understand, my members in my seniors' classes are some of my favorite people on the planet.  I have become great friends with them and a few of them have become our support system over the past few months.  I hope it is just for a season because I really love being with them.  I think lately it has been the only thing I feel successful with.

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