Thursday, April 14, 2011


Last Thursday, LE came upstairs and told me something was wrong with her tooth.  I first thought it was a cavity, but then I looked and she had a tooth that was "moving."  She started praying it would fall out that night before bedtime.  After polling facebook friends I discovered it could take literally months for them to loose their first tooth.  She prayed even more.  Ben and I left town for the day on Saturday and I told her to stop praying and leave it alone so I could be there when it fell out.  I guess the prayers of a 5 year old were greater than my wishes.  Saturday afternoon while chewing on something that should have not been in her mouth, she lost her first tooth!  I told her I would buy it for $1, at first she was hesitant, she wanted it.  Mimi gave her $5 and PawPaw gave her a $2 bill.  I got the tooth and she got rich.


lindsay said...

YAY Landry! She is official a big girl!

mary.mimi said...

Still sad the tooth-fairy didnt come. :(

The Gumpls said...

David ha a loose top tooth! Very excited for Landry!