Saturday, August 08, 2009

Lucas Films Party

Ben and I went to New Orleans this past week for a job fair and computer graphics conference. I have cousins nearby and we stayed with them and drove into the city for various events. Our first event was a recruiting party held by Lucas Films. The theme was carnival and they had an amazing jazz band. The food was delicious and the atmosphere was a BLAST! We met up with friends from school including two of the founders of the school and the career services advisor.
The trombone player came down off the stage at one point when the Zulu dancers came out and asked me and several other girls to follow him backstage. I was not sure what was going on, but they had carnival people taking us back. I ended up on stage dancing and singing to the final song. I would have never thought this is how my night would begin or to add this to my bucket list - but everyone should at some time go on stage to sing and dance to jazz music!! Ben was talking to friends and did not notice I was on stage at first, I wish I had his face when he saw me!


Surfer Earning Free said...
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Cari said...

That is awesome!

Anonymous said...

WHAT!?! You were dancing to jazz on stage in a dive in NO!!! What would your mother say?! Oh, yeh, I am your mother and I say WAY 2 GO!!! Only wish I coulda have been there 2.. not dancing just there..