Friday, September 13, 2013

Bible journals

 The girls have been promoted to the next level in Keepers and the work is going to be a little more intense this year in order to earn a badge.  Three of the badges we are going to begin work on include reading the Pentateuch (first five books of the Bible), learning the books of the Bible in order and journaling (for six months).  We created Bible journals out of composition books (fifty cents), cardstock and stamps.
We also got new Bibles.  I ordered the New International Readers Study Bibles.  We spent the day familiarizing ourselves with all of the features of our new Bibles.  Now each day, we are going to read one chapter and then journal something we learned from our daily reading.  The girls have no problem with reading their Bibles each day, it is part of their daily buzz (our six morning B's - Breakfast, Brush your teeth, Brush your hair, make your Bed, dress your Body, and read your Bible).  Hopefully, this will create a new habit of learning to think about what they have read each day, ponder on it, journal it and have a new habit that could last a lifetime.  So from this one I am going to try to learn from my daughter's.

1 comment:

Mrs. Jenk said...

Marcus and I love Granny's Bible Dojo. It is a fun app that helps you learn the books of the Bible. I totally recommend it for the girls!