Sunday, March 03, 2013


I know it has been too long and you are feeling neglected again.  I feel like the song in Veggie Tales, I'm busy, busy, terribly busy, much too busy to be friends with you (my blog of course, not you).

LE is doing great in the cast, we go Tuesday to have new x-rays, praying for healing so we can get a shorter cast.  Boo is reading up a storm, R2 is sleeping in girls' room on the trundle as we transition HR into the boys' room.  HR is sleeping through the night more regularly and finally deciding he likes bananas.  Ben is trucking along on the movie; praying for favor that the computers cooperate and he can have it off his plate by the beginning of summer.  I am teaching 6 classes a week, plus the girls' schoolwork.  I have hired a personal trainer to help get back my pre-R2 butt, I mean body.  I had to do three weeks of physical therapy on my right ankle and leg.
And the big news, we are looking for a new place to live.  Our landlord has decided she wants to sell our house and we are not interested in purchasing it.  We have some very tough decisions to make and would love prayers for the Lord's guidance.

1 comment:

Shileen said...

Do you want to buy or lease? Our neighbors house is for sale :)