Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Top Ten

10. we voted - but we all know how that ended.
9. we partied - a seven year old, six year old, and a two year old
8. home school clubs were joined - The girls have both joined two clubs this year, Keepers and American Girl Club.
7. teeth were lost - Bella finally lost her first tooth.
6. Vegetables sprouted - We grew tons of veggies, including green beans, tomatoes, zucchini, herbs, jalapenos, and squash.  Nom Nom.
5. tubes were installed - Read had to get tubes in his ears to relieve him of his chronic ear infections.
4. Pianos were played - Both girls began piano lessons with Miss Ashley.  They have a real gift, but maybe I am biased.
3. new rides were purchased.  We outgrew our Honda accord and had to take advantage of our two car garage.  I'm now a mad mom in a minivan.
2. a one year old took his first steps.  And wow, that changed everything!
1. A baby boy was born-  On August 7th, our family grew to six.  Our sweet bundle of joy has blessed our family greatly.


Cari said...

Wonderful list! Happy 2013, from our family to yours!

Christine Hollingsworth said...

Kristi, this is so sweet. I like the idea of making a top 10 for your family. Maybe we'll do that tonight while waiting for the ball to drop :-) Wonder what my kids would want to add.....? Glad we connected via Tracy. She's the man.

Turpin Family said...

Happy New Year! Living the minivan dream...perfect! I hope to see you soon!!!