Sunday, December 04, 2011

drawing lessons

At Hollywood Studios, Ben and the girls got to participate in art lessons (they overbooked it, so I gave up my seat to take pics).  The instructor demonstrated at the front of the room step by step how to illustrate Carl from Up.  I always thought the girls had talent, but to have an illustrator from Disney call their work out made both me and the Papa proud.  She could not believe the girls' age and talent.  (Landry's is on the left, Bella's on the right - middle row.  I actually drew the outline square of Carl for LE b/c she was too busy pouting she could not draw Tinkerbell.  Thankfully she quickly got over it.  The instructor was actually more impressed with Bella's talent, which was great b/c LE usually gets the acknowledgment in the art dept.)

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