~For our military, especially those in harm's way
~our leaders, whether or not you agree with them, they do have an important job to carry out
~this upcoming election - the truth would come out about each candidate and we can see who the Lord intends to be president
- relief at the gas pump - this is effecting everyone and I do not know how truck drivers are doing it on $4 - 5 a gallon, there has to be a solution
- for the children of the polygamists in West Texas, not sure who is right, but those babies are just that babies and they need their Mommies.
I know so many of you have things going on in your life right now, but if you will stop take a minute and lift these up, God will honor our prayers. Please lift up our family and leave a comment when you do. We wold love to know you are praying with us!
I have been praying today for many things and for those you listed. I will also pray for your sweet family. Thank you for blogging about these prayer needs!!!
Absolutely! If you guys would also please keep James in your prayers. His ped. referred us to a specialist today to have tubes put in his ears. His appt. is next Wed. I know it is supposed to be a minor surgery, but we would appreciate it anyway!
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