Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I've been tagged by Erica. I've been instructed to write 7 things about myself, strange, crazy, funny but all true.Tag 7 people and tell them they have been tagged by leaving a message on their blog.

1. I once got pulled over b/c my lights were out on my car when I opened the door (to reach my wallet which was in my workout bag in the backseat) my bra that was in my workout bag fell out at the officer's feet.

2. I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue (some assistance required lately - can you loose flexibility in that muscle too?)

3. I love to cook, but HATE to bake.

4. I can say the alphabet backwards.

5. I am 4'10" which is only 1" above the state requirements for children to be sitting in a booster seat and 1" above the definition of a "little person."

6. I fell victim to peer pressure of changing the spelling of my name in junior high - Kristee. WHY? Why is that so cool?

7. We drove to Texas from Alaska when I was a child for a family vacation.

I tag Kayla, Carri, Stormi, Anna and Pam (even though they were tagged by Erica too), Susan, and Ben.


Erica Wagner said...

Wow, I knew you were short, but didn't realize you were THAT short! :)

Meet the Boyd's said...

As a person who is also under five foot tall I have often considered a booster seat while driving.

Stand tall my short sister!

- Stormi

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Neal said...

I liked writing Y's in cursive in like 4th, and so I would write my middle name (which is Lynn) like LNYY ... so that I could write 2 Y's!! But that was just because I wanted to .. not peer presure!!