Thursday, May 26, 2016

three little initials

On Leap Day, I began a nine week course to become a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine.  It has been the most intense training and not something that has come natural for me.  I have read and reread the material, had a friend tutor educate me on the difference between overactive and underactive muscles which is a huge portion of becoming a personal trainer.
After a couple of delays including having to take CPR/AED training, I was able to take my test yesterday morning.
It took an hour, and then I had to wait almost fifteen minutes for the results, and finally the proctor said "Congratulations, you passed." Yes, tears began to fall, I was so relieved to finally have this chapter closed.
I'm so excited I get to add the initials NASM- C.P.T. to the end of my signature.

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