One of the concerns, people express to me when they found out the kids are home schooled are they getting the experiences that kids in a formal school setting get. And I LOVE it when I can provide my kids with experiences I know they could never get in a "classroom".

R2's new "thing" is firetrucks, OK, R2's new thing is any kind of truck. On our last adventure to the library he found the stash of firetruck books and had to be encouraged to not check each one out. When I found out my cousin, Jeff (Ryan and Bryan's age) was on duty the last time we were visiting Mimi, we had to make a trip to his station. I had no idea the cool things he had planned. R2 also has this thing for loud noises, I really did not think it would frighten him since he loves to pull alongside any large truck and is mesmerized by them. All Jeff did was turn on the truck to pull it out of the fire house and R2 got scared. The tears began, but as long as he hung with Paw Paw, he was fine. So, the girls got to do all the cool stuff, including squirting the big water hose and riding in the truck around the parking lot. I have to admit, riding in the truck even excited me. Every year, the fire truck would visit our class when I was teaching, it was fun, but this was cool. Thanks Jeff and Megan for a great field trip.

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