Friday, April 03, 2009


This is one of the coolest things I have known our church to do.  We are taking part in a world-wide event beginning today (my friends in Africa are even participating).  The idea is to break down the walls of the church and reach the community.  A couple of weeks ago a guest speaker put it like this - People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care. 
I can tell people all day long about Jesus' love, but what Jesus wants me to do is show his love.  
So, for the past 48 hours I have been coordinating (like a mad man, I must admit) an outreach to Georgetown High School.  Next Tuesday, we will be serving the entire facutly and staff lasagna, hot bread, salad, cookies and iced tea.  Then, we are going to stock their fridges with soft drinks, clean their lounge and leave snacks galore to bless their socks off.  God has just amazed me with the volunteers who have stepped up to make this happen.  The cool thing is out of 42 people I only know 3 of them, these are new volunteers, not the regulars I see serving at every event.  
Other events happening over the next 7 days include - Police Station Meals Outreach, Hospital ER workers - adrenaline packs, changing 250 single Moms oil for free, Special Olympics, 6th Street Clean-Up, Homeless Breakfast - downtown Austin, distributing kites to children at Fort Hood, Nursing Home Outreach (the girls and I participating in this one Monday night), remodeling two different playgrounds, one at a Women's shelter, & Meals to Prison Guards.
I am so stoked at the generosity of people.


Anonymous said...

Totally awesome idea(S)...God is up to something!!!
Our community is having a workday tomorrow involving numerous groups from our church. Youth doing neighborhood handy/cleanups and adults at the Doyle School cleaning/painting stuff...I will be looking for HIS results...

Cari said...

Wow - that gave me goose bumps. What an awesome idea!!!