Sunday, February 23, 2014

6 weeks break

This past week, we take off the week of home school.  It was the end of our first six weeks of the semester.  The girls have been working so hard and finishing their assignments at a record pace.  We have decided to take a week off after each six weeks instead of one big summer break this year.  The week may come at the end of a six weeks period but it may come at another time as needed (when neighbor kids are out for spring break, or vacation bible school etc).  It was needed for me as well as for them b/c I have had the winter blues and this past week the weather was gorgeous.  We were able to schedule several play dates with friends, Daddy took the day off and we went to the zoo and Mama Teacher got to plan the next six weeks of school including gathering all of our supplies and making needed copies.  Here's to the next six weeks of school!

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