Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Read's fans

We had a great open house the weekend Read was born. He was able to get it started right with lots of spoiling. My Dad (PawPaw) stayed up till 4:30 a.m. the first night home, so Daddy and I could get some sleep. He did not adjust well the first couple of nights (before we knew he was not getting enough milk from me and had lost a pound). Then, Mimi took him at 6. Night 2 Mimi and Aunt Rissa took turns holding him.
We have the feeding and sleeping thing going. He eats about every 3 hours and naps between feedings. He goes to bed after the 10:30 feeding, wakes every 3 hours and is ready for the day around 7:30 a.m.  Open House is still ongoing, we have a guest bed ready for anyone who is in need of an infant fix.


Marissa said...

I love that collage!!! So cute! I definitely want to come up get in some more Read time!! He is just too cute!!! I am so glad we were able to be there and love on him and give you guys some rest!!!

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Neal said...

We would still love to make it down there!! Some day!!