Monday, November 08, 2010

baby #3 update

I am now going to the doctor every Friday.  I have to have a stress test every week now (my age) and he has started "measuring" me, but no news to report there.  I have found out that I am anemic, no surprise known that for 5 years and I have a potassium, calcium and magnesium deficiency, thus the Gatorade cravings.  I have had very bad charlie horses for the past two weeks and woken up with cricks in my neck and a sharp piercing pain in my abdomen, which is the result of the deficiencies.  I have not gained weight in 3 months, and my belly is now measuring 31 weeks, so he is growing.
I started having contractions last weekend, but nothing consistent and then this weekend they stopped.  Today I have had a handful, probably b/c I worked out this morning and then the girls and I walked/rode bikes to the mail boxes.  I slept really well last night and being able to get an extra hour of sleep was awesome this morning.  It made a huge difference in my day.
I discovered this weekend I do not need much, just a masseuse, housekeeper, personal chef, nanny, shopper, and homeschool teacher for my girls over the next few weeks.  I was very thankful my mom was here yesterday b/c she entertained the girls, made us a pot of chicken and spaghetti and cleaned my kitchen.  

1 comment:

Marissa said...

I can't wait to meet little Read! Praying for a smooth labor and delivery!