For her tenth birthday, we invited every girl from 3-6th grade from church plus a few of her best friends not from church and several of the girls' big sisters, 17 girls in all came to create boxes. We had pizza, big sisters did manicures and pedicures, made rainbow loom bracelets for the boxes, jumped on the trampoline, watched an American Girl movie and stuffed 19 boxes to ship to Operation Christmas Child.
On her actual birthday, Ben and I were unable to take off, which we have always done in the past and when she realized she wouldn't be opening tons of presents, she seemed a little bummed. But, after the party she did tell me that it was the best thing she had done. Amen. Since her party she has collected supplies from other friends, including Connor from Florida. We are up to 23 boxes to ship to Samaritan's Purse.
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