Tuesday, June 30, 2015

swim lessons 2015

My mom signed the kids up for private swim lessons with a friend from their church.  I was very reluctant about her having six kiddos in the pool with a young man that was like ten the last time I saw him.  When we picked the kids up on Saturday, she shared a video of R2's lesson and I was impressed.  He handled R2 better than I do.

On Sunday morning, we went to the pool so the kids could show us what they learned and Wow! What a difference one week made.  HR was putting his face under water, kicking, and his confidence sky rocketed.  Boo and LE learned several new strokes and Boo picked up some speed.  R2 is still apprehensive, but we see an improvement in him.  Thank you, Mr. Chris and Miss Summer.

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