Boo was given a round loom for her birthday by our friends, the Cooks. This past week, Miss Rachel and her girls came over to instruct us how to use them. The girls including the Cooks are on a mission to make the girls in Africa that Ben and I will be serving each a knitted hat. Miss Rachel also showed me
straw weaving that her girls have been doing to make scarves While they were here they taught LE and I how to straw weave in hopes that we can take that skill and teach the girls also.
I was so glad they had the gift to teach my girls, b/c the instructions had me lost on the very first step 1)tie a slip knot. The girls are well on their way to their first completed hat and I'm totally digging the straw weaving. Now just to get through customs with a suitcase of yarn and straws without questions.
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