Ben and I finally gave the girls their James Avery charm bracelets. We have been adding charms since the year they were born. This Christmas, Bella got the middle child charm and LE got the ABC charm to commemorate her starting kindergarten. LE and Bella picked out gifts for each other and LE picked out a special Daddy's girl frame for Ben. I of course recieved my Canon 60D camera that we have been saving for (thus the 1 heart the 60's title). It was a special morning, and one I hope the girls will remember. LE was just as excited to see others open their gifts from her as she was to open her own, thats a trait she gets from me.
sure was a fun Christmas!!
love those pics! Thanks for sharing!! sure do miss seeing yall everyday! guess it's time for another trip to RR....or I guess Pville now lol
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