Monday, August 16, 2010

Missions Monday - Staubers

Our really good friends, the Staubers are now the pastors of Celebration XaiXai in Africa.  Almost 2 years ago, I got to see the ground being prepared for the church and yesterday the church opened it's doors to the community of XaiXai, Mozambique.  I wish we could have been there, but I know it is in great hands with Mel and Diane and their kids, Rachel and Matthew.  Please pray for them as they continue on this journey.  Pray for their strength, comfort, and protection and His favor.  We love you guys!  BLESSINGS!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Just saw them last night, along with Pastor Joe and the group. I am looking forward to spending time with the whole family next week!!! They are great and have a lot of work ahead of them but God is with them and NOTHING is impossible!!! To God be all the glory!!!