Last year I was introduced to the
A21 campaign. It is an organization that is trying to rid the world of human trafficking. The statistics are staggering when you hear of children as young as 4 are being violated or the average age of victims is age 16 or 99% percent of the victims in the sex trade are not rescued.
It breaks my heart, but then it kind of faded from my mind as the days went passed and life moved on.
Then, again this September Chris Caine reminded me of the horror and the realization that I HAVE A 4 YEAR OLD and I cannot even go there. But, nothing woke me up to the reality as being Romania.
As we were leaving Bucharest for the mountains, Scott showed us the forest areas along the highway lined with chain-linked fences to prevent the girls from taking their clients into the wooded area. Then, there were the faces in the orphanages, the teenagers who within the next 2-4 yrs who would be forced to leave the orphanage with no formal education, money or home.
Next was the drive back from the home where we hosted the Bible clubs. All of the children walked to and from the Bible clubs. It was a dirt road with humble homes, few cars and yet we met an Audi, brand new driven by two young men. I asked Vio if they were drug dealers and he said no, they were looking for "new meat". These are the faces that I wake up to every night and just pray. Right now it is all I can do, but I know there was a reason for me to witness this. I just pray the men were unsuccessful that day, I pray they will always be unsuccessful. It breaks my heart. This is the reason I made the trip to Romania, for that moment.
There is a new link on my blog to the A21 campaign, please do not ignore it. It's not my daughter and it is probably not your daughter thankfully, but they are daughters of the king, please pray for them and more importantly be impacted by it.