Thursday, August 13, 2009

countdown to birthday

I know many of you have no intention of purchasing me anything for my birthday, but this year I have a request. I am turning 35, yikes and I guess it is sort of a milestone birthday. I would love to have you honor my birthday this year (if you are able) and help an organization that is dear to my heart.
I received a letter this week from Children's Cup, the group I traveled to Africa this past year to host the Christmas parties with. They are in a financial bind and I would love to help them in any way I can. I have been praying that the Lord would you use me in this situation, and this is what He laid on my heart. Please prayerfully consider making a donation to help the children that are so dear to my heart. On the right of my blog is a link to Children's Cup, just click the picture and it will take you to their website.

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