Friday, January 31, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
wishful thinking
Last Friday, we had our first "snow day" round these parts. We didn't tell the girls the night before b/c we didn't want them to disappointed with what the locals around here consider snow. The kids were so excited when there was some white stuff on the ground, more sleet than snow, but it was enough to have a lesson in cold weather. Ben told them there was no way the sled would work, but I told him we home school for a reason and this seemed like a hands on lesson to be learned. Unfortunately Daddy was right, but it was a cute photo opp anyways. Outdoor play only lasted about three minutes and they were ready to come back inside.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
another marathoner
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
a Richards runner?!?!?

Monday, January 20, 2014
Duncan's Story
Ben got me Duncan for our two month anniversary b/c we had just moved to Fredericksburg and I had no friends. His parents lived a couple blocks away, and other than that I never made a friend the time we lived there. I wanted a dachshund b/c my mom had black and tan chihuahuas (Ben does not like little yelpy dogs, so that was out) and his grandparents had the funniest, fattest brown dachshund I had ever seen. When I was at the pet store getting meal worms for my hedgehog (class pet) I fell in love with this black and tan mini dachshund. He was so long and friendly. When he ran his back legs would pass his front end and I was smitten. I called Ben, but since pets were not allowed at our rental home, he said no. So, I tricked him into going to the store and he fell in love too. B/C of our rental situation, I would take him to the babysitter i.e. Verna's house each day when I went to teach and while I was going to school in San Antonio so he couldn't get into any mischief. He would spend the day in the garden and sunshine and was spoiled rotten.
Some of my favorite memories are from his puppy days. He was known for eating things. He ate my cousin's $100+ mouth piece that she had taken out while we were eating supper, he drank half of the used grease out of a fry daddy and ate 20+ flour tortillas. The tortillas were a problem b/c my tiny puppy grew double his size and the vet wanted me to make him throw them up by getting him to drink salt water. Yea right.
When I graduated college, I got a teaching job in Kerrville and we moved back to my hometown so I could be at school longer days, and I was really homesick. B/C Duncan couldn't go hang out with Verna each day we decided to get a second dachshund, Chloe. They were best friends, and as Duncan grew, we learned he was not a miniature dachshund, but in the words of our vet, the longest dachshund he had ever seen.
Around his first birthday, Duncan was diagnosed with epilepsy and he was on very strong medication for it. He took phenobarbital, which was terrible on his kidneys. He had seizures at least once a month, and often they lasted for five minutes or longer. When he was around five years old, the doctor recommended a milder medication, potassium bromide for his seizures. The seizures continued even with the medication, so around age 10 we decided to take him off the medication completely and by age twelve the seizures stopped altogether.
When LE was an infant, Duncan jumped off the couch and a vertebrae in his back broke and collapsed onto his spinal chord. We took him to an emergency room in south Austin and for $2000 they fixed our Duncan Dog. Yes, $2000 was a lot, but we had been saving for a new fridge and I could not open a new fridge knowing I had put our dog to sleep. A few years later the same thing happened again, and we had prepared ourselves as we driving to the same surgeon that we could not do the surgery again. But, when we took him out of the kennel at the vet's his legs had begun working again.
His legs and back finally gave way at fifteen years of age and Ben and I had to make the worst decision I think we've ever made as a married couple. We both cried and knew Duncan was tired and miserable. After years and years of vets telling us, he probably would not live past seven years old, he not only lived longer than that, he doubled his age adding so many memories to our family. He is already so missed by each of us and his sister dog, Chloe.

When I graduated college, I got a teaching job in Kerrville and we moved back to my hometown so I could be at school longer days, and I was really homesick. B/C Duncan couldn't go hang out with Verna each day we decided to get a second dachshund, Chloe. They were best friends, and as Duncan grew, we learned he was not a miniature dachshund, but in the words of our vet, the longest dachshund he had ever seen.
Around his first birthday, Duncan was diagnosed with epilepsy and he was on very strong medication for it. He took phenobarbital, which was terrible on his kidneys. He had seizures at least once a month, and often they lasted for five minutes or longer. When he was around five years old, the doctor recommended a milder medication, potassium bromide for his seizures. The seizures continued even with the medication, so around age 10 we decided to take him off the medication completely and by age twelve the seizures stopped altogether.
When LE was an infant, Duncan jumped off the couch and a vertebrae in his back broke and collapsed onto his spinal chord. We took him to an emergency room in south Austin and for $2000 they fixed our Duncan Dog. Yes, $2000 was a lot, but we had been saving for a new fridge and I could not open a new fridge knowing I had put our dog to sleep. A few years later the same thing happened again, and we had prepared ourselves as we driving to the same surgeon that we could not do the surgery again. But, when we took him out of the kennel at the vet's his legs had begun working again.
His legs and back finally gave way at fifteen years of age and Ben and I had to make the worst decision I think we've ever made as a married couple. We both cried and knew Duncan was tired and miserable. After years and years of vets telling us, he probably would not live past seven years old, he not only lived longer than that, he doubled his age adding so many memories to our family. He is already so missed by each of us and his sister dog, Chloe.
Friday, January 17, 2014
another reason for eating clean
Today, I had my six month check-up at the dentist except that it has been more
like 2+ years since I had a check up at the dentist. Oh, I've been to the dentist, but for fun things like crowns, three of them to be exact. At my last visit, the week before Christmas when I broke a huge chunk of molar I decided I needed to schedule a cleaning for both Ben and I. See it is not that I don't like the dentist, I don't like the dentist telling me EVERY time I go to see him, I have another cavity or that I have periodontal disease (gum disease) and that will be $100's+++ out of pocket expense. Between Read and Harrison I discovered I had this periodontal disease with a rating of 1 to 5 (five being BAD), my gums were predominately 3's and 4's with several 5's.
WELL, after giving up soft drinks and sweet tea last year,today at my dentist appt, my gums were all 2's and 3's. The dentist said it was such an improvement he feared submitting it to insurance b/c they would think he lied last time to get more money out of them for my treatments. I have not been treated in over 2 years!!!
My kids have zero cavities and the doctor congratulated us that they only drink water and milk (juice is mainly at grandparent's and parties).
I am never going back, I have spent thousands of dollars at the dentist over the years, thinking it was genetics, which it could be but nothing has changed, I still brush and floss as I always have in my adult life. The doctor said this was solely a diet change that made the difference!!
like 2+ years since I had a check up at the dentist. Oh, I've been to the dentist, but for fun things like crowns, three of them to be exact. At my last visit, the week before Christmas when I broke a huge chunk of molar I decided I needed to schedule a cleaning for both Ben and I. See it is not that I don't like the dentist, I don't like the dentist telling me EVERY time I go to see him, I have another cavity or that I have periodontal disease (gum disease) and that will be $100's+++ out of pocket expense. Between Read and Harrison I discovered I had this periodontal disease with a rating of 1 to 5 (five being BAD), my gums were predominately 3's and 4's with several 5's.
WELL, after giving up soft drinks and sweet tea last year,today at my dentist appt, my gums were all 2's and 3's. The dentist said it was such an improvement he feared submitting it to insurance b/c they would think he lied last time to get more money out of them for my treatments. I have not been treated in over 2 years!!!
My kids have zero cavities and the doctor congratulated us that they only drink water and milk (juice is mainly at grandparent's and parties).
I am never going back, I have spent thousands of dollars at the dentist over the years, thinking it was genetics, which it could be but nothing has changed, I still brush and floss as I always have in my adult life. The doctor said this was solely a diet change that made the difference!!
Friday, January 10, 2014
Duncan Dog 1998-2014
special moment
Over the Christmas holidays, my grandmother stayed with my parents so she could be with us for all of the festivities. One evening I caught LE sharing a special Christmas book with her great-grandmother, a special memory for me.
Thursday, January 09, 2014
Wednesday, January 08, 2014
Tuesday, January 07, 2014
2014 Goals
So, a few years back we gave up resolutions and decided to make goals for the family. On New Year's Eve we each decided what we wanted to see happen this year for ourselves.
Mama- #1 to yell less
#2 Read my Bible more. The pastor this weekend said we should read our Bible to know the author, not to read the book. I loved that, and it has really changed my perspective on my daily quiet time.
#3 body fat down to 19%
Daddy- #1 to get in better shape
#2 to spend more time with his family
LE- to pick up after herself (source of much yelling)
Boo- to have more fun with her family
Ben and I read a book last year, which inspired and encouraged us both. Cleaning House, a mom's 12 month experience to rid her home of youth entitlement. One of the experiments she tried, and we have tried in the past and failed was for her kids to earn a $1 each day for their responsibilities. If they don't earn it, Mama does. Ben and I want to encourage the kids to pick up as the day goes along instead of mad scramble at bed time to pick up their rooms, shoes from the living room, books everywhere, etc. So far it is working well. The girls made these clips as a visual reminder outside their doors to hold their dollar each day. The reason it didn't work out in the past was b/c we kept forgetting to get the girls' dollars to them each night, so hopefully with these visual reminders by their doors it will help both the girls to remember and us to reward.
Mama- #1 to yell less
#2 Read my Bible more. The pastor this weekend said we should read our Bible to know the author, not to read the book. I loved that, and it has really changed my perspective on my daily quiet time.
#3 body fat down to 19%
Daddy- #1 to get in better shape
#2 to spend more time with his family
Boo- to have more fun with her family
Ben and I read a book last year, which inspired and encouraged us both. Cleaning House, a mom's 12 month experience to rid her home of youth entitlement. One of the experiments she tried, and we have tried in the past and failed was for her kids to earn a $1 each day for their responsibilities. If they don't earn it, Mama does. Ben and I want to encourage the kids to pick up as the day goes along instead of mad scramble at bed time to pick up their rooms, shoes from the living room, books everywhere, etc. So far it is working well. The girls made these clips as a visual reminder outside their doors to hold their dollar each day. The reason it didn't work out in the past was b/c we kept forgetting to get the girls' dollars to them each night, so hopefully with these visual reminders by their doors it will help both the girls to remember and us to reward.
Thursday, January 02, 2014

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