My favorite post of the year, I get to look back and read my blog from January 1st to today and pick my favorite events. This year was a hard year to narrow down 10 things and hard to choose our favorite, biggest events.
10. teeth, teeth and more teeth- Landry lost teeth, Read gained teeth, and Bella got over her fear of the dentist.
9. a combined birthday party - celebrating 2 girlie girl's birthday's in a pink room, with pink cupcakes, pink nail polish, hair and make-up, how could that not make a list?
8. fitness for a family of 5 - Ben started working out again, the girls discovered zumbatomic which excited Mommy and Read learned to crawl.
7. strabismus was diagnosed - Landry had to get glasses and Read has an appt with Landry's specialist after the new year for possible strabismus tendencies.
6. planning the biggest family vacation to date - I compare planning our DW vacation to 9 months of pregnancy. I cannot believe the time and prep it took.
5. movie productions began - Ben got his first job working on a feature length film working on the visual effects (he is still at Dell, working on the film on weekends and evenings).
4. fitness jobs and more fitness jobs - Kristi went from teaching two fitness classes to teaching 8 different fitness formats; yoga, silver splash, cardio fit, cardio circuit, muscular strength (all for seniors), aqua fitness, aqua zumba and zumbatomic for kids.
3. someone turned one- too bad he discovered he liked cake after his birthday!
2. a whole lot of learning going on- I cannot believe all of the projects the girls worked on this year. I think my favorite accomplishments would be Bella learning to read, and both girl's passion for writing and art (thanks to their weekly art lessons).
1. DISNEYWORLD - By far the biggest, most memorable event of our year.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
gingerbread houses
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Christmas Play
Everyday the girls have to write in a journal. Some days I give them prompts, other days they get to choose their topics. LE got inspiration from a C-mas book and wrote her own C-mas play. She had speaking parts for Mary, Joseph, an angel, 2 shepherds and 3 wise men. She told her Paw-Paw she wanted him to create her a manger and animals, specifically 2 camels, 3 sheep and a donkey.
Knowing we didn't have enough people to do all of the parts, we decided to wait till we went home for C-mas and present the play at Mimi's. Mimi made cookies and hot chocolate and we had a small play date with time to practice and then present our play. She agreed to allow the younger cousins be the wise men and they didn't have to recite lines. LE was Mary, Cameron was Joseph, Adom was a shepherd and Bella was an angel. They each got to pick their costumes out of Mimi's fabric closet. The wise men presented Jesus with C-mas presents and most posed long enough for a photo.
It was a memory I know I will cherish forever. Paw-Paw and LE have already started planning next year's production.
Knowing we didn't have enough people to do all of the parts, we decided to wait till we went home for C-mas and present the play at Mimi's. Mimi made cookies and hot chocolate and we had a small play date with time to practice and then present our play. She agreed to allow the younger cousins be the wise men and they didn't have to recite lines. LE was Mary, Cameron was Joseph, Adom was a shepherd and Bella was an angel. They each got to pick their costumes out of Mimi's fabric closet. The wise men presented Jesus with C-mas presents and most posed long enough for a photo.
It was a memory I know I will cherish forever. Paw-Paw and LE have already started planning next year's production.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Crafty Christmas
With my fascination of pinterest and my desire of always wanting to make C-mas presents I was finally able to do it (with a few exceptions) this year. I made these for the siblings that lived near by. I combined souvenirs from DW and C-mas this year by giving every niece and nephew on of these. I made my grandmothers personalized calendars with the great-grandkids pics and everyone's bdays and anniversaries. The girls created personal artwork for the grandmothers and R2 made baseballs with his handprints for his Daddy.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
wrapping the presents
I was so thankful to have little elves help me with all of my wrapping this year.
Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday Jesus!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Christmas ornaments

When we opened the ornaments while we were decorating the tree I discovered R2's box only contained the bubble wrap. I have yet to find another ornament for my R2.
I got the girl's ornaments from Disney World and had the bright idea to have them sign their ornaments each year so I can document their signature as they mature each year. I also got my souvenir/ornament for DW.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Christmas Party
Ben and I attended the Silver Sneakers Christmas party at the Y while the kids went to the gym's family Friday for a night of games and pizza. We had a home style potluck and ornament exchange. It was so low-key and just my kind of party. They blessed me and the other 2 instructors with a cash gift, which I have no idea how to spend. I finally went to get Read b/c everyone was asking for him. He had so much fun crawling from Grandpa to Grandma that would take him.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Christmas lights
We made out yearly trek to see the lights on 37th Street and took the wagon along for R2's first wagon ride. We went pretty early in the evening and seemed that almost half of the houses hadn't turned on their lights yet. I am thinking if I spend that much on my yard decorations I would invest in the $10 timer to turn them on each night at dusk. The weather was perfect and we came home to enjoy hot chocolate and a Christmas movie.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Christmas Cookies
Monday, December 19, 2011
new glasses
Landry was recently diagnosed with strabismus by a pediatric opthalmologist. We noticed her eyes were crossing when she was sitting at the table across from us. I had her eyes checked at her yearly check-up last year, but nothing was detected. This year, her nurse practioner (whom I love) noticed and referred her to him. It took us 6 weeks to get into see him. We decided to hold off till after DW to find the glasses. And then it took another 2 weeks for them to come in. Talk about testing a six year-olds patience. She is so excited, but has quickly learned they are not too comfortable with headbands.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Big kid now
Read has outgrown his baby carrier car seat which means Landry gets her booster seat again. All is peaceful in the accord again.

Christmas Cards
Thank you to everyone for all of the beautiful Christmas cards. A couple years back, I decided to skip the card b/c I felt most of those who I would send it to knows of our family blog.
Two of the badges the girls will be working on in keepers is a stamping and cardmaking badge. We combined the 2 projects and the girls decided to make C-mas cards. We still have a few more cards to make and distribute, but they are taking their time on them to get them just right.
Two of the badges the girls will be working on in keepers is a stamping and cardmaking badge. We combined the 2 projects and the girls decided to make C-mas cards. We still have a few more cards to make and distribute, but they are taking their time on them to get them just right.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Judge me by my size, do you?

Friday, December 16, 2011
Monkey's birthday party
One of Read's many nicknames is my little monkey. Erica created a really cute invite for his party and Ben had the idea to have a banana split party. Mimi made cute monkey cupcakes. He loved the ice cream, but is not into feeding himself so did not enjoy the cupcakes. He got lots of great toys including a Buzz Lightyear ride-on toy, balls, blocks, a train, and fun noise makers. He has had so much fun with his new things.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
and even more...characters
Apparently we spent a lot of time visiting and waiting in line to see characters, but looking back at these and their autograph books makes me think it was all worth it. One of my favorite experiences (besides Pooh) was meeting Princess Tiana and Naveen. They were the most into their true characters. Naveen kept leaping about (as if he had once been a frog with ADHD). When it was our turn he asked the girls where they were from and told them, "Louisiana and Texas, well, we are neighbors". LE told them we had stayed the night in LA and that we had eaten cajun food on our way. I told her to ask Tiana for her recipe for gumbo, and she proceeded to tell us she had written a cookbook. Naveen asked LE what her fave food was and she said chicken and dumplings. They were both quite impressed she knew and even liked dumplings. He told her he liked green beans and it was in the cookbook, Naveen's Green Beans. It was a very personal meet and greet and kind of special. For some reason LE really wanted to meet Chip and Dale. So, we were very excited to see them at the end of our last day.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
How we do Disney
1. Stay on-site at Disney
• You get free transportation, to and from parks, Disney Downtown and other resorts all day
• Meal-Plans
• It doesn’t matter which resort you are in, it is Disney and you will be taken care of
2. Travel in the off season
• Free meal plans is an option
• No or very short lines
• Fewer children
3. If your kids need a nap or stroller, they are too small to take.
• There is too much walking for young children and having to push around a stroller will take away from your trip. If they are too small, chances are they will not remember it. You will have a much better time and they will to when they are old enough to enjoy it.
4. Plan with a Disney expert.
• Our travel agent had itineraries for every park based on info I had told her about our family’s needs and likes. We used Jeri Hall, she is on facebook (please tell her I sent you).
• She made all of our reservations and was the one to be on hold, I just made a list of things we wanted to do and she made it happen.
• She notified me when there was a special that saved us over $600.
5. Skip the character meals. You will have an opportunity to see all of the characters in the parks. The meals are good, but the meals at the resort sit-down restaurants are fabulous. Take the time to leave the parks and escape from loudness, have a sit-down meal and relax. Plus you pay tips on your meals and it is pricier than all other meals.
6. Take your time. We visited each park with the exception of Animal Kingdom twice (seven day option). We still did not see everything, but we saw what we wanted and the things we enjoyed twice.
7. Get a meal plan. We chose the table service option. We had a sit-down meal every day, a quick service meal and a snack. I took a toaster and our mini fridge (you can rent a fridge there). We had bagels, juice and fruit every morning in our hotel before we left for the parks. There is a Target and Wal-mart just miles away.
With planning and a flexible schedule you can do Disney on a budget. We spent less than $2,000 by driving and opting to stay at a budget resort. I would love to share more budgeting tips if you want, just email me.
• You get free transportation, to and from parks, Disney Downtown and other resorts all day
• Meal-Plans
• It doesn’t matter which resort you are in, it is Disney and you will be taken care of
2. Travel in the off season
• Free meal plans is an option
• No or very short lines
• Fewer children
3. If your kids need a nap or stroller, they are too small to take.
• There is too much walking for young children and having to push around a stroller will take away from your trip. If they are too small, chances are they will not remember it. You will have a much better time and they will to when they are old enough to enjoy it.
4. Plan with a Disney expert.
• Our travel agent had itineraries for every park based on info I had told her about our family’s needs and likes. We used Jeri Hall, she is on facebook (please tell her I sent you).
• She made all of our reservations and was the one to be on hold, I just made a list of things we wanted to do and she made it happen.
• She notified me when there was a special that saved us over $600.
5. Skip the character meals. You will have an opportunity to see all of the characters in the parks. The meals are good, but the meals at the resort sit-down restaurants are fabulous. Take the time to leave the parks and escape from loudness, have a sit-down meal and relax. Plus you pay tips on your meals and it is pricier than all other meals.
6. Take your time. We visited each park with the exception of Animal Kingdom twice (seven day option). We still did not see everything, but we saw what we wanted and the things we enjoyed twice.
7. Get a meal plan. We chose the table service option. We had a sit-down meal every day, a quick service meal and a snack. I took a toaster and our mini fridge (you can rent a fridge there). We had bagels, juice and fruit every morning in our hotel before we left for the parks. There is a Target and Wal-mart just miles away.
With planning and a flexible schedule you can do Disney on a budget. We spent less than $2,000 by driving and opting to stay at a budget resort. I would love to share more budgeting tips if you want, just email me.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
13 years
We celebrated our 13th anniversary this weekend at Perry's Steakhouse in downtown Austin. Ben had the signature pork chop (and leftovers today for lunch and again for dinner last night, yes it was that big) and I had the filet. It was really nice to get away and have a quiet uninterrupted meal. We had a complementary dessert of a truffle, creme brulee, and a cheesecake sampler.
I love our family, love our life, love our marriage, and love you, Benjamin.
I love our family, love our life, love our marriage, and love you, Benjamin.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
new look
I'm so thankful for creative friends who take care of me. Thanks Erica at Haphazard Happenstances for merry-ing up my blog for me.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
day 7 - day 2 of Magic Kingdom
We had an early breakfast reservation at the Crystal Palace, home to friendship day and breakfast with Pooh Bear. So early that we were the 2nd family in the park and we were able to get great shots in front of the castle. The girls had mickey mouse shaped waffles and pancakes. After breakfast, the park still was not officially opened so were able to walk through the castle and right onto the Pooh Ride, Haunted Mansion and Small World. That was the last no-line rides of the day. The park was packed by 11:00 a.m. and we could not ride anything for less than a 30 minute wait. Summed up, it felt as if we walked aimlessly from one side of the park to the other. We were able to get great seats for the afternoon character parade. We ventured onto Tom Sawyer's Island, child swapped on Space Mountain, which is still a great ride. Both of the girls submitted a joke to the laugh floor with Mike from Monsters Inc. and both jokes were chosen. We decided to skip the 2 hour wait for Rapunzel. We got front row seats for the night fireworks and castle display. Another very late night, but a great ending to a great vacation.

Friday, December 09, 2011
day 6 - return to Epcot
We had one free day in the parks, we went back and forth whether to visit MK for 3 days or go back to Epcot for a 2nd day. We decided for the latter and I wish we hadn't. I wanted to spend some more time in the countries and get a little more acquainted with those areas. We had heard to make sure the girls participated in the Kidcot, where they could get a passport stamped and create a craft in each country. We ended up not doing the passport, but had a Duffy bear puppet that we stamped at each country. The girls took their time in France to decorate their puppets, but other than that they really didn't enjoy Epcot's World Showcase. We did spend a little more time in the Nemo area and took some time to play. We did Turtle Talk with Crush and both of them were able to ask Crush a question. That evening we had dinner at Boma in the Animal Kingdom Lodge. It was the best meal we had during the trip. All four of us tried new cuisines and my new fave flavor is curry! Afterwards we walked around the lodge and were able to see the giraffes and zebras up close and personal. The giraffes got a little frisky after this pic and started chasing each other. It was the funniest thing to watch b/c they were cold and frolicking instead of running. I wish I had videotaped it.
Enjoyed seeing the image of the top left pic, the girls (and Pooh) cuddling, while sharing their bed. I am sure it will never happen again, so had to make sure I snapped a pic.
Enjoyed seeing the image of the top left pic, the girls (and Pooh) cuddling, while sharing their bed. I am sure it will never happen again, so had to make sure I snapped a pic.
Thursday, December 08, 2011
the castle
At night in the Magic Kingdom, there is a show called Wishes. This is the castle at different moments in the show and then it ends in a large fireworks display. At one point during the day, a DW photographer asked to take a pic of Bella while she was waiting for LE who was riding the Haunted Mansion. That night, we saw Bella's pic flashed onto the castle. The bottom left picture is a collage of pictures taken throughout the day in the kingdom that forms Walt Disney. This was Ben's favorite part of the trip.
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
lunch in the castle
The one event I was most excited about was lunch in the castle. We booked our reservation 6 months prior. Thirteen years ago, Ben proposed to me in front of the castle and when I found out it was an option I was all over it. It was really good food, but probably an event we will not repeat, but it was worth every minute. I mean, we were in Cinderella's castle, can it get any cooler for a princess (or the queen)? We met all of the princesses, received wishing stars, and wands. LE is making her wish (eyes closed). We received an 8x10 pic of the girls with Cinderella. And yes, I probably enjoyed it more than they did. This princess doesn't have to grow up.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011
day 5 - Magic Kingdom, FINALLY!

It was a perfect day. We had lunch in the castle (separate post coming) and a fairly empty park. We were able to ride almost every ride with no wait time. It was a truly magical day. I hope it is a day the girls will always remember. I remember visiting Disney World as a kid and most of the rides were still there (some of them should be retired). It was so fun to experience them with my girls.
Landry rode her first roller coaster, Big Thunder Mountain; she hated it. She cried, no screamed the entire time and yes, it was her idea to ride it.
We once again stayed all day long in the park. We had front row seats for the magical light parade, but we were in frontier land, so did not have good seats for fireworks and the special lighting of the castle. We did not make that same mistake on our 2nd day at MK.
Best Rides - Many Adventures of Pooh - Bella's choice, Small World - Landry's choice, Space Mountain - Daddy's choice, anything but Tiki Room - Mom's choice
Best Meal - Cinderella's Royal Table
Best Character meet up - Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen (separate post coming)
Monday, December 05, 2011
day 4 - Animal Kingdom

After the park, we went back to our rooms and rested for a little bit, cleaned up and took the buses to the Magic Kingdom. We left 2 hours early so we could ride the boats around Lake Buena Vista and the monorail around the World. Our dinner reservation was at 8:45, a tad late, but at the time of the reservations I was thinking it would be 7:45 to our central time zone bodies. Dinner was fine, we had reservations at Chef Mickeys, the parental units' least favorite dining experience, but LE's fave. She liked dancing with Pluto. We felt rushed, it was a so-so buffet (prime rib was good), but not what worth what we paid even in the tip. Yes, you have to tip at a buffet at DW!
After dinner, we were supposed to grab a bus back to Disney Downtown that would transfer us back to our resort. Buses are supposed to run every 20 minutes, let's just say they must have forgotten to tell our bus drivers. 5 rounds of buses came by before (i.e hours, not minutes) before a bus arrived and then it was packed and no one offered 2 young children a seat. After finally making it to DD, we had to transfer to another bus, and wait again. This time we got seats, and for the first time since infancy the girls fell asleep in public. We had to carry them from the resort bus stop back to our room. Worst experience of the trip. I wish we had taken our car, but the hotel staff made it sound so easy to make those "quick easy" transfers. It was after midnight before we even walked into our room.
Sunday, December 04, 2011
drawing lessons
At Hollywood Studios, Ben and the girls got to participate in art lessons (they overbooked it, so I gave up my seat to take pics). The instructor demonstrated at the front of the room step by step how to illustrate Carl from Up. I always thought the girls had talent, but to have an illustrator from Disney call their work out made both me and the Papa proud. She could not believe the girls' age and talent. (Landry's is on the left, Bella's on the right - middle row. I actually drew the outline square of Carl for LE b/c she was too busy pouting she could not draw Tinkerbell. Thankfully she quickly got over it. The instructor was actually more impressed with Bella's talent, which was great b/c LE usually gets the acknowledgment in the art dept.)
Saturday, December 03, 2011
day 3 back to Hollywood Studios

Best Food - Sci-Fi Cafe
Best Ride- Rockin Roller Coaster
Best Show - Illuminations
Best Moments - Girls partricipating in Jedi Training Academy and Art lessons (seperate posts coming soon)
Friday, December 02, 2011
one years old
Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Boy! I cannot believe it has already been a year since you came into our lives. We are so blessed you are our boy and cannot wait to see all you become. We love you Reader.
Accomplishments this month: finally drinks from a cup, no more bottles. Prefers whole milk, but drinks juice and water.
Still prefers to eat from a spoon, but will feed himself puffs and nilla wafers.
Throws right handed.
Speed Crawls.
Says Go, Doug (dog), Mama, Dadda and Didta (sister).
Loves books, balls, blocks (knocking them over), watching the dogs out the back door, and pulling things out of the cabinets and off shelves. He is all boy.
Still has no interest in standing or walking, maybe next month?
He did so great at spoiling his grandparents while we were on our vacation, first time away from home without Mommy and Daddy.
Thursday, December 01, 2011
day 2 Epcot

Best Ride - Fast Track
Best Show - Turtle Time with Crush
Best Moment - Princess Parade at Dinner
Best character - Mary Poppins and Belle
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
a girl and her bear

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Hollywood Studios
We checked into our hotel at 9 a.m. and hopped on a DW bus to Hollywood Studios. Our DW travel expert (BTW if you are planning a DW trip, I HIGHLY recommend her for MANY reasons) had planned out an itinerary for us for every day we were in the park; complete with dining reservations info, recommended rides for each section of the park, info on what rides had restrictions or were appropriate or inappropriate (ie too scary) based on the info she had for the girls. She told us what rides could be skipped if the wait times were too long, which ones were worth the wait. It was so helpful. The only ride we waited in line for was Toy Story Mania. It was so fun, we got a fast pass to ride it again. (FP gives you a scheduled time to return and you can return and most times walk right up to the ride w/out any wait).
The girls also had their first encounter with a character at Hollywood Studios and it was Piglet. Who could be afraid of Piglet? I promised to hold their hands and we would ask Piglet for his autograph. I could feel the resistance in LE's hands, but Bella walked right up to him and hugged him. By the end of our time with Piglet, we had autographs, hugs and pictures, SUCCESS! And that was the beginning of a whole new adventure, to try and collect every character's autograph (and the only other thing we waited in line for the rest of the week). We had lunch at Pizza Planet, it was a quick service meal, meatball sandwiches and salads for Daddy and I, snack packs for the girls. It was OK, decent for quick service. It was fun for the girls to eat in the Pizza Planet from Toy Story.We got a text mid afternoon that our room was ready, but ended up closing the park down. We went to Target and bought bagels, juice and fruit for our breakfasts, another recommendation by travel expert. Bed time 11:00 pm. with a 7 am wake up call the next morning.
Best Ride- Toy Story Mania
Best Moment - Bella meeting Pooh Bear
Best Show - Beauty and the Beast
Best Downtime - Honey, I Shrunk the Kids playscape
Monday, November 28, 2011
travel days
The girls did awesome on the drive to and from Disneyworld. I did a lot of prep work to keep our sanity. It paid off greatly. I packed snacks for all of us and had them tucked into the pockets of the car doors. The girls did not get drinks and we only had to make one potty stop that was not a lunch or gas stop. Our first stop was outside Houston for lunch and then onto Louisiana where we stayed with my Uncle Chuck and Aunt Martha (arrived at 4:30). I surprised Ben and made arrangements for us to eat at Ben's favorite seafood restaurant Middendorf''s, which kicked off our 2 weeks of gluttony behavior.
The next morning we were on the road at 7:30 and stopped near the Louisiana border for breakfast. We drove all day and arrived around 8:00 and decided to go ahead and hit Disney Downtown. We had dinner at the Earl of Sandwich (best quick service meal we had- awesome hot sandwiches). We decided to arrive the night before and stay at a non-Disney World hotel. I found an app called hotel tonight (last minute hotel deals) and with my initial registration I received a $25 credit. Our hotel bill was $20. We had breakfast at IHOP and checked into our resort and spend the day at Hollywood Studios for our first adventure.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
the big reveal
Originally we decided to not tell the girls we were going to Disneyworld until we arrived at the parks. But changed our minds b/c we wanted to capture the moment on video.
We decided to tell the girls the morning we were leaving and would announce we were late for a very important date. The girls earned all of their tokens and so we were going to celebrate with a tea party. I was able to get an Alice and white rabbit costume to seal the deal and the girls dressed up in silly costumes too. At first, they were excited, but then it got a little too silly for them at 7 a.m. and Bella ended up in tears wanting to go back to bed. We were able to coherse the girls back to the breakfast table, but they were not getting into the tea party vive. Ben told them we were late for a very important date, and I asked where he was late too. He said Disneyworld. I asked who was going to Disneyworld, his reply was; me, you and these 2 princesses. They did not believe us. We finally had to show them the car packed with suitcases before they believed us. They were still a little aprehensive, but as it sunk in, they got more excited.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Things I have heard today:
Ahhh, my juice got smaller. - Bella
Its Nornia, not Narnia. - Bella
I rode the roller coaster called child swap. - Landry
We aren't in Texas b/c the roads are too bumpy. - Bella
Chicken, chicken, chicken, what combo you picken? -lunch stop in Baton Rouge
Are we there yet? - Mama
Ahhh, my juice got smaller. - Bella
Its Nornia, not Narnia. - Bella
I rode the roller coaster called child swap. - Landry
We aren't in Texas b/c the roads are too bumpy. - Bella
Chicken, chicken, chicken, what combo you picken? -lunch stop in Baton Rouge
Are we there yet? - Mama
Friday, November 11, 2011
on the road again
I have been scouring pinterest and the Internet for road trip ideas. Here are a few of my faves:
- atlas for each girl with a highlighter to mark our progress
- clipboards with a ream of paper, map pencils, sharpener, pencil attached with a string
- gifts to unwrap as we cross each state
- clip for each girl, if they disobey their clip is removed = discipline next pit stop
- roll of quarters for each girl, each time they ask how far or if we are there, I get a quarter; leftover quarters for arcade in hotel.
- tons of healthy snacks in snack bag servings
- rubbermaid container between their seats for all of their goodies
- a rubbermaid cereal box for trash
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
"family party"
If you ask Bella at any given family time what she wants to do, 9 out of 10 times her response, is "family party". She makes decorations, creates food and menus for all of us.
On Sunday, we were able to surprise her with a family party.
LE gave her Buzz, R2 gave her Bullseye and Mommy and Daddy gave her a pair of twinkle toe shoes.
Her menu choice - girl cheeses, strawberries, grapes, lemonade and surprise pink cupcakes.
On Sunday, we were able to surprise her with a family party.
LE gave her Buzz, R2 gave her Bullseye and Mommy and Daddy gave her a pair of twinkle toe shoes.
Her menu choice - girl cheeses, strawberries, grapes, lemonade and surprise pink cupcakes.
Monday, November 07, 2011
5 years old
Oh my, Bella Boo Bunny.
I love hearing your stories, and your ideas. I love to hear you read. I love how you write your numbers backwards and insist they are right. I love how you sleep with 42 stuffed animals every night. I love how every morning you talk in grunts and sign-language until after you have had breakfast. I love how you cuddle in bed with me and put your cold feet on my legs. I love you how you insist to pray first and how you lay your hands on everyone when you are praying for them. I love your very colorful sense of style. I love how you love to sing and always want music playing. I love how you love your family and always remind us.
You are my joy, my laughter, my unique kid. You are so free-spirited, so lively and creative.
You are so very special to Daddy and I. You are Landry's best friend, and Read's favorite person to laugh with.
I love you, Boo.
I love hearing your stories, and your ideas. I love to hear you read. I love how you write your numbers backwards and insist they are right. I love how you sleep with 42 stuffed animals every night. I love how every morning you talk in grunts and sign-language until after you have had breakfast. I love how you cuddle in bed with me and put your cold feet on my legs. I love you how you insist to pray first and how you lay your hands on everyone when you are praying for them. I love your very colorful sense of style. I love how you love to sing and always want music playing. I love how you love your family and always remind us.
You are my joy, my laughter, my unique kid. You are so free-spirited, so lively and creative.
You are so very special to Daddy and I. You are Landry's best friend, and Read's favorite person to laugh with.
I love you, Boo.
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Saturday, November 05, 2011
I called Granny last Thursday just to chat and she told me the family was taking her out for her birthday that night. I was kind of surprised mom hadn't told me, but figured she had forgotten. I got home and was very upset to miss. Even my Bryan and Susan were going to be there. I called Ben downstairs and tried to hold back the tears. I knew money was tight, but I really wanted to be there. I called Ryan and he filled me in on the details, even with mom at the table. I told him to keep it a secret. Called Ben's parents to make sure the kids and I could stay the night, packed the car and headed back home. When we left it was 71 degrees, when we arrived it was 51. I had to pull over and change the kid's clothes. When we walked in my mom's brother said, "there's Kristi". The look on my mom and Gran's faces was priceless. Mom told me she didn't tell me b/c she didn't want me to be bummed about missing. I am so thankful Ben made it possible for me to go and so thankful we got to be there for the night. I even got to watch the world series with my brothers, Gran and Dad, nothing like watching tv with fans.
Friday, November 04, 2011
Hook ' Em
"The game is only on the longhorn network? Want to go see it live?"
"Live? Where?"
I can say he has never gotten me out of a dressing room more quickly than that.
We drove home, changed clothes, bought tickets and drove downtown. And we won!
I love spontaneous events. It was one of the best nights. Thank you honey for an awesome date and thank you Mimi for staying ALL day long with the kids.
Thursday, November 03, 2011
pumpkin carvin' party
We enjoyed a fun night of burgers, hot dogs, and pumpkin carving at our friends the Richards last week. Daddy carved Bella a special Pooh Bear Pumpkin and LE created her own special pumpkin complete with makeup.
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
11 months old
We now say Mama and hi dad; but more communication is happening with non-verbal cues. He shakes his head no, waves hi and bye, pulls his head away and makes the worst faces when he doesn't like something.
He has become a very picky eater. It has to be on a spoon and someone has to feed him, except for his puffs (no cheerios!) He will not drink out of a cup and will not drink water.
He pulls himself up and is a speed crawler. He pulls books off the shelf and his favorite toy is a dinosaur-ball game. He can throw a ball, which makes his dad so proud.
He has 8 teeth now, 4 came in at the same time this past week.
He has become a very picky eater. It has to be on a spoon and someone has to feed him, except for his puffs (no cheerios!) He will not drink out of a cup and will not drink water.
He pulls himself up and is a speed crawler. He pulls books off the shelf and his favorite toy is a dinosaur-ball game. He can throw a ball, which makes his dad so proud.
He has 8 teeth now, 4 came in at the same time this past week.
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
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