Saturday, July 31, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
good with the bad
I hate to share ho-hum news, but unfortunately when it comes to dealing with people I have learned you have to roll with the punches. This past outreach was not one of my more favorite moments being downtown. We had plenty of food and plenty of clothing, but the overall vibe of the morning was off.
Every morning, when we arrive we first get out the food and after everyone is served we then get out the clothing. This month, we took my mom-in-law's truck, so they saw the clothes and shoes before we were ready to get them out. They just encircled the truck, would not eat and would not listen to me that I would get the items out after everyone had eaten. Their eyes were on the shoes and did not matter one thing I said. It was as if they stepped away I might give them to someone else. It was very frustrating. We also encountered some other attitudes, but I can only imagine the sleepless nights they spend on the streets so I try to look past it. I saw a lot of new faces, and a lot of familiar faces. We were able to pass out deodorant and lots of jeans. My cousin's husband brought several decks of cards which they were so excited about.
I am creating a new project and a new blog, as soon as it is up and running I will share with you the big news. Please pray for us & this project, b/c it could literally change lives.
Every morning, when we arrive we first get out the food and after everyone is served we then get out the clothing. This month, we took my mom-in-law's truck, so they saw the clothes and shoes before we were ready to get them out. They just encircled the truck, would not eat and would not listen to me that I would get the items out after everyone had eaten. Their eyes were on the shoes and did not matter one thing I said. It was as if they stepped away I might give them to someone else. It was very frustrating. We also encountered some other attitudes, but I can only imagine the sleepless nights they spend on the streets so I try to look past it. I saw a lot of new faces, and a lot of familiar faces. We were able to pass out deodorant and lots of jeans. My cousin's husband brought several decks of cards which they were so excited about.
I am creating a new project and a new blog, as soon as it is up and running I will share with you the big news. Please pray for us & this project, b/c it could literally change lives.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010
just call us neutral

Sunday, July 25, 2010
Office Space
Saturday, July 24, 2010
"I had a blackout at Gourdough's last night", wanted that to be my facebook status, but knew being preggo that might freak some non-Austinites out. My cousin, Anna has blogged about Gourdough's a couple of times, so if you read her blog please pardon the repeats, but OH MY GOSH if you live in Austin - get there! Forget the gym, half an hour on the eliptical did not work off the first bite. Even Ben, the food critique was oohing and ahhing over this Big. Fat. Donut. He had a scoop of ice cream, I had a glass of milk. We could not finish one donut between the two of us, so either come hungry or bring a couple of friends.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Tori boxes
You know by now my favorite organization on the planet is children's cup. I am so excited to announce their fall project and hope it sparks some excitement in you. The public schools in Mozambique and Swaziland (the two countries I traveled to) are not free, but for $150 you can send a child to school for an entire year. This fall Cup is also creating Tori boxes to send the children so they can go back to school ready to learn with the right supplies. You can create a Tori box with your family. School supplies are at great prices, right now too!!
•Plastic Storage shoebox (Sterilite at Walmart is $1)
•Pencils (a pkg of 8-10)
•Ruler (metric system a must)
•Doll (small, skin color not an issue)
•Crayons (box of 16 or 24 Crayolas)
•Scissors (safety, blunt-nosed)
•Hot Wheels vehicle (fit-in-your-hand size)
•Toothbrush (soft bristles)
•Toothpaste (3.5 oz)
•Notebook (3x5 size)
•Pencil sharpener
•Stickers (Please, nothing "magical" or scary. Witchcraft is so very real that there's no room for even pretend magic.)
•Markers (washable)
•Pens (pkg of 8-10)
•Glue Stick (washable)
•Craft PipeCleaners (craft dept at Walmart)
•Washcloth (colorful cotton would be nice)
•Bar of soap (a gentle soap such as Ivory or Dove)
•Vaseline petroleum jelly (Africans use this for protection on their skin and lips)
•Ball (small enough to fit in the box, large enough to not choke on)
•Photo/note (photo of you, your family, your pet...and a note to encourage your child to do well at school)
•A check for $10 to cover overseas shipping costs.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
car says ahhhh
After 11 1/2 years of marriage, we have a garage that our cars sleep in!!! It is nice to get in the car mid July, midafternoon and it is only 83 in the car as opposed to 103. Thanks honey for making it a priority to get the garage cleaned out so the cars can actually go in. Maybe I will wash the car now!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I did it! chores

Morning - brush teeth, feed dogs, make bed...
Lunch - clear plate from table
Afternoon - quiet reading
Dinner - clear plate, bath, brush teeth, ready for bed...
Extra - Say something nice to your sister, clean your closet...
The kit came with a set of chore cards and then blank cards to add chores specific to your household. Each night the girls go through their list and then, get token for the items they placed into their I did it box. We also can say at a specific time during the day, are all of your orange cards gone and have them check to see what their chores were instead of listing all of the things we want to see them get accomplished in a day. There is a graph and a cylinder for us to keep track of their tokens. Top prize - 250 tokens = trip to Gattiland, 25 tokens= movie. The girls helped us decide on the prizes with some encouragement from mom and dad. It has also cut down on them wanting to watch movies during the day b/c they have to spend their tokens in order to watch one now. So, far it is working great. LE remembers to feed the dogs each morning, she is usually dressed before Ben and I are, and both have become excellent at cleaning up after themselves. Bella is still getting the concept with a little help, but she has no problem remembering to get her tokens each night.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
imagining at the museum

We went on Saturday morning and there was even a birthday party, but the museum was not over crowded at all.
Monday, July 19, 2010
todays' the day
We are getting ready to head out the door.
Bella - girl
Landry - boy
Mommy - boy
Daddy - boy
Wait is almost over. What do you think?
Bella - girl
Landry - boy
Mommy - boy
Daddy - boy
Wait is almost over. What do you think?
Sunday, July 18, 2010
exploring at the museum

Saturday, July 17, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
new job
I was offered a position four days a week as a fitness consultant at the Y. I am so excited, I begin August 2nd. Come see me!!! I will be the one in the staff shirt with the potbelly!!!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
new look
If you follow us via google reader, you may be missing out... after a year we finally achieved the look we have been working on!! Also poll on the left, 3 for 3 or 2 to 1. Voting closes Monday at 9 am, we find out at 9:30. Will have to see.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
special delivery

Monday, July 12, 2010
I cannot believe in a few short weeks I am going to have a kindergartener. When I was teaching, kinder and 1st was my favorite ages to teach. There has not really been a doubt that we would ever homeschool the girls, but we definitely weighed multiple options and prayed countless prayers before making our decision. Because I have so much curriculum and supplies for teaching this age I just figured I would create something for the girls. When we found out we were having a baby mid-school year I was concerned I would need to have everything ready before baby #3 arrives or that I would slack b/c of Mommy duties. Since LE is already reading CVC words I struggled with "the make sure she gets what she needs" mentality, but knew we must be doing something right for her to be doing so well without any formal education. Recently Ben and I attended CHEACT for central Texas homeschoolers. It was downtown Austin and we were running late and missed the first 25 minutes of the one presentation I absolutely wanted to listen in on - Hands-on learning for kindergarten and first grade. I love the whole idea of Classical Education for homeschoolers, but knew that was not what my kiddo needed this early. Within 3 minutes, I was choking back the preggo tears and knew this was the program for our girls (at least in the beginning years). Ben agreed. She is so excited too, both of the girls are as we ordered Bella her own pre-kindergarten curriuclum so that she is not doing LE's work before she is ready and does not want to do her work when it is actually time for her to do so. We are all so excited and so relieved that the Lord so clearly showed us this is "the one" for our family. I love that Ben is just as excited and ready to play his role too.
Friday, July 09, 2010
pic of the day
This was the shot of the day, that I had to make sure you caught it out of the collage. (I also had my mom's camera, so I took a lot more photos with her's b/c it is not so obnoxious looking - hopefully she will blog some of her's too). Everyone was so grateful for the change and the opportunity to choose something to eat. We had multiple types of drinks and an assortment of chips. The chip of choice - BBQ. Isn't it crazy the things we take for granted each day? Once again I say thank you.
Next outreach - July 25th. Hoping to take deodorant for all, will do hot dogs again b/c of cost and the amount of condiments I have left.
Next outreach - July 25th. Hoping to take deodorant for all, will do hot dogs again b/c of cost and the amount of condiments I have left.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
hot dog outreach

I have set aside a large shelf in our garage that I am continually collecting items for. I have loads of winter stuff already and starting collections of toiletries. I had several requests that I would like to pass on. I met Carl this weekend. He is in need of a backpack and sleeping bag, everything was stolen. Red needs some size 4 jeans. Michael requested a pair of size 12 shoes and we received requests for Spanish Bibles. If you ever clean out or see a great deal on items, please call me and I would be happy to take things off your hands. I also have room in my kitchen for multiple bodies to make 250 hot dogs on a Sunday morning if you ever want to join us.
On a side note - the blessings came pouring in that Saturday that we all knew the Lord's hand was on this particular outreach. The Butter Krust Store had the exact number of buns needed - 31 pkgs on sale for 78 cents each. Cases of drinks were buy 3 get 4th free at grocery store. Chips were on sale, and they had the exact number of bags needed.
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
4th of July
Friday, July 02, 2010
Thursday, July 01, 2010
new chef in town

*for those who have asked she will be homeschooled, blogpost coming up soon about that. Must go make "Taco Grand"
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