I am so excited about my website title. I had been praying for a catchy title for weeks, and nothing was ever coming to me. I was praying that as soon I heard it, I would know it was the one. So, I asked a couple crafty friends and Ben for some input. Within minutes, Ben had replied with Wonderfully Made, Psalms 139:14, and it was it!! As soon as I get promoted I have to have a club name, looked it up and Wonderfully Made is not a taken name, so hopefully it will not take long to promote up, any takers??? I have had so much fun so far, if you have not attended a workshop or card class look at my calendar and sign up. They are so much fun! In October, we are making fall and Halloween cards, in November we are C-mas cards and in December, we are making gift bags. Please say a quick prayer for my new venture.