One of Landry's favorite things to do is read books. She LOVES books, well she has finally figured out how to manipulate Mommy and especially Daddy with her books. We are suckers, I admit, we cannot help it. Our kids are too cute and we cannot always say no. Thursday night, we were reading books and Landry pulled the covers up over herself and was listening intently to Daddy read her first book, Bingo. She kept saying again, after each time he read it, and she would pull the covers up a little higher. I know he read Bingo at least 7 or 8 times, Goodnight, Moon that many, Go, Dog, Go and The Prayer of Jabez 4 or 5 times each before he finally was bored of picture books and had to say no. Then, Landry said "Hold me tight, Daddy".
I love this age. I know I complain that life is tough these days with 2 this age, but I would not have it any other way. I am so glad Bella is right behind her, we get to relive these moments all over again in the next year.