We are going to do our best to not make resolutions this new year, but to make revolutions. Our Pastor did a huge series on revolutions in the summer and we want to make some big changes in the Richards Family. I share these with you, so that you can encourage us along the way.
#1 cash system - we have tried in the past and it worked some times. We used to withdraw cash twice a month for groceries, gas, entertainment and necessities. When we stuck to it, we were always able to stay on budget. So, we are going to try again, now that we have been in our rental for 3 months and been watching our expenses, we have an idea of what it takes to live here.
#2 work-out - I got a gym membership (from Ben) and IPOD (from Bryan & Susan) for C-mas, so I am going to begin hitting the gym this next month. I kept trying to get a group of friends to walk with me, but everyone's lives are so busy. It was hard to nail down a consistent time.
#3 giving up soft drinks and sweet tea - I have had to do this as a necessity for the past two weeks b/c I was sick and it was not that hard. I LOVE my sweet tea, but I have discovered sweet-n-low is not too bad.
These three things have been tough hurdles in the past. Hopefully we are wiser, and also have the kinks out of most of them, that it should be easier to follow through.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Top 10 of 2007

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
25 days of blogging...complete

Monday, December 24, 2007
It's Christmas Eve!

Sunday, December 23, 2007
oh the things they will say

If you have spent any time with my two-year old, you know she is a talker. Tonight, I was telling my sister-in-law and mom about her friends at church. She overheard me talking about her and told me to be nice. I replied "I am being nice." She then told me "she was going to spank me." I had to bend down below her eye level to laugh, so that I could go into the kitchen and scold her for talking to Mommy that way. Only two more days of my challenge!!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
looong trip home

Thursday, December 20, 2007
new doctor

Birthday Party for Jesus

Last night at church was our church Christmas Party. We had potluck and karaoke in the main sanctuary. I let the girls wear some fun Christmas outfits including Bella wearing a white button up. They fed the kids mac and cheese, either Bell did not get any or they were gracious enough to feed her!! Ben and I had a great time chatting with friends and the girls had a blast - Landry with Ms. Kristine and Bell with Mr. Tim. Ben and I have both decided to begin serving again this January and everyone we told were so excited we were coming back. We cannot wait to hang out with our friends and serving in His house again. Ben will be back on the media team and I will be serving as Pastor Lori's assistant on Sunday mornings and I will be working with the curriculum on Fridays again.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
my beanie baby
76 degrees in December

Monday, December 17, 2007
Trail of Lights and lines and people...

We had so much fun at the Zilker Park Trail of Lights last night. We are tempted to do it again this week. The kettle corn was well worth it, we had popcorn for snack today too!! The girls squealed all night long and the whole way home Bella did her "Hulk Grunt." I was disappointed the charged $10 for parking, it has always been free in the past. We had so much twirling under the big tree of lights. We played Ring a Round the Rosie until Mommy got sick!!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Kindergarten Fun

My kindergarten class
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Mr. Paul and Timmy
When we were gone over the weekend, our neighbor Mr. Paul passed away. Mr. Paul was this little ole man who walked his dog, Timmy, 4 or 5 times every day. LE loved to wave at Mr. Paul. He was a great little man. He knew everything about everyone. The first time we came to look at the house he introduced himself to me and told me who everyone in each house was and what they did for a living. We did not know him very well, but we already miss Mr. Paul and his Timmy. Please say a quick prayer for Marsha, his daughter as she is having to go through his belongings right now. I cannot even imagine and at C-mas time too!
the best wife

these are a few of my favorite things...

Last night, we finally decorated our C-mas tree. Decorating our tree is one of my favorite parts of the holiday season. I think it is b/c I get to collect cute tiny things and no one says anything about it. I have a thing for knick knacks. These are a few of my favorite ornaments. Every year, my mom gives us an ornament. Ben and I have been giving each other ornaments for the past 11 years. They are some of my fave ornaments. Every year, I give him a Hallmark Star Wars ornaments. My Nana, my great-grandmother made us ornaments, so when she passed away my great aunt made me an ornament from one of her memorial flowers. WE used to give ornaments on Christmas morning, but a good friend suggested we exchange ornaments when we put up the tree, so we can enjoy them that season.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Happy 9th Anniversary!
The Big D

Ben and I dropped the girls off last Friday in Kerrville to spend the weekend alone for our anniversary. We have been asked several times what we did and with all honestly - we slept and ate! We got to Dallas later than expected on Saturday. We checked into our hotel, got dressed and went to eat at the Grand Lux Cafe. It is owned by the same company as the Cheesecake Factory, which is our fave dining destination. It was really good, very loud and very cramped. I am not sure it was any better than the C.C.F. One cool thing is that they make your desserts when your order them - so we had fresh baked apple pie. It was really good, but we were kind of stuffed from shrimp scampi and steak, which we had shared. They did not have my fave tea, so I settled with water. Afterwards, we drove to Highland Park to see the Christmas displays, very fancy neighborhood, great displays. Sunday morning, we slept in and then got up and watched the marathon, hoping to get a glimpse of Marcus and Anna - it was really COLD and wet - 40 degrees and dropping - KUDOS to them!! We went and ate brunch - Benedict's - it was good, but pricy for breakfast. I had a Denver omelet and Ben had eggs bendict. Then, we went back to the hotel - b/c it was raining and 34 degrees. At 1:00 we had a couple massage. This was the thing I was most looking forward to, relaxing, heated bed, it has been a year since my last massage. She commented on the fact that I was so tight, must had been awhile before she bruised every muscle in my body. She was this little tiny Asian girl and she beat me up!! I kept thinking she was working the knots out and then she was going to go back and give me my relaxing massage, nope - times up! I was kind of disappointed, but I took the best nap afterwards. Ben had Olga - he said she was great! Got up from our nap and met my girlfriend (bridesmaid in each other's weddings), Kim and her husband, Staphen, for Mexican food at the Blue Goose. Great tortilla soup if you are ever in the area. Chatted with them and then went back to the hotel. We sat around for awhile and then decided to go out for dessert at the Cheesecake Factory -it was early and we had a big nap:) One of our big things about going out is the conversations - our dates and meals are always graded by our conversations. So, we figured C.C.F. would be a great place to eat dessert and have some grown-up conversations. Yeah, right. Almost as soon as we sat down this younger trio were sitting at the table next to us, the guy was kind of loud and it was very easy to hear all of his conversation. We tried to not listen, b/c we was sharing a little more than we cared to know, but after about 15 minutes one of the girls asked about his dating and sex life. He then proceeded to tell her about his ex-boyfriend. She replied, well I have known for several years I was just waiting for you to tell me. The guy came out of the closet right there in front of us, Ben almost spit out his strawberry shortcake and I almost choked on my cheesecake! It was the most bizarre thing I have ever experienced in my eaves dropping days! He came out of the closet, right there! Needless to say our conversation was over, we hung on his every word! We went back to the hotel still talking about his conversation. The next day, we ate at Bread Winners, our fave place for b-fast, Ben had pancakes and I had eggs Benedict on a croissant. It was so yummy, but I wish we had waited for lunch, b/c the sandwiches looked scrumptious. We drove home in the fog, the entire state of TX must have been covered, b/c it was foggy the whole way. We got to Center Point to see our girls and had Gigi's homemade chili. We had a great time, very full and ready to get my gym membership tomorrow!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Dallas trip

Thursday, December 06, 2007
marathon runner

Today is Anna and Marcus' big race. We are also in Dallas, but not running a marathon!!! Make sure you send her congratulations on her blog - Hanging with the Jenks. She has been training hard to run a marathon relay with her college girlfriends. They are raising money for a friend's baby who was born with no hands and feet. We got to see baby Will this morning on the Marathon on ABC. It is so amazing what this hospital does for these families. Congratulations Marcus and Anna! Will is in our prayers.
an aunt

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